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Amanda's Skincare Recommendations

Welcome to our skincare advice section

I'm Amanda, the owner of Bravura and I realise how hard it can be to create a good routine while using actives such as our acids, so I've written a full routine that you would use while using our chemical exfoliators. If you don’t feel any of the routines are suitable for your skin complaint, please do email us and we can either direct you to the correct page or create a specific routine for you.

It’s Important that you choose the correct skin type, for example, if your skin is usually oily but is currently dry, you would still need products for oily skin but your dehydrated skin would need to be hydrated. If your dry skin has been over stimulated and is a little oily as well as flaky, you’d still use products designed for dry skin. 

I've tried to keep it as simple as possible, you do not need to click through different questions or give us your email address, please simply select your skin type from the links below when you're ready.

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding - As we don't test on animals our products haven't been tested for safety during pregnancy, none of the ingredients we use have any disclaimers for avoidance during pregnancy and so use of acids would be down to personal choice.

A bit about me
Amanda Elias Bravura London

I've been in the beauty industry for over 23 years, that's more than half of my life! Beauty for me isn't just a job, it's a passion that led me to start Bravura and then progress to studying product formulation so that I could not only understand skincare products at an in-depth level but so that I could help design amazing products based on the messages I get from my customers. I wrote the advice pages above because I was pretty much recommending the same things over and over, which I don't mind of course, I absolutely love offering advice but it means people have to wait for a response. So to save time, the advice pages above are exactly what I'd recommend if you email me. Of course, if you have any other questions please do get in touch.

If you'd like to follow me on social media, here's my personal Instagram although I confess, I'm a bit rubbish at posting. If you like dogs and cat's and tortoises though, you'll find plenty of posts about my pets!


We have resumed shipping to Ukraine but please be aware there will be delays. To buy products in Ukraine please contact https://aslaboratory.com.ua/.

We ship via Royal Mail, orders are then passed over to UKrposhta. Ukrposhta has provided an update that road access for postal exchanges with Ukrposhta’s centre in Kyiv is severely limited, some international mail processing operations have been moved to Lviv. Longer transit times continue to be experienced due to queues at the border and difficult road connections within Ukraine. Ukraine Post continue to remain committed to maintaining postal operations, but will not be able to guarantee compliance with the agreed delivery standards.

Ми відновили доставку в Україну, але майте на увазі, що можливі затримки. Щоб придбати продукцію в Україні, звертайтесь на сайт https://aslaboratory.com.ua/.

Відправляємо Королівською Поштою, потім замовлення передають на Укрпошту. Укрпошта повідомила про те, що під’їзд поштового зв’язку до центру Укрпошти в Києві сильно обмежений, деякі операції з обробки міжнародної пошти перенесено до Львова. Тривалість транзиту продовжує тривати через черги на кордоні та складне дорожнє сполучення в межах України. «Пошта України» продовжує підтримувати поштові операції, але не зможе гарантувати дотримання узгоджених стандартів доставки.