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Skincare For Dry Problem Skin

If your skin is usually oily but is currently dry, you would still need products for oily skin. If your skin type is dry, here are the products recommended.

If you have acne- Acne is a medical condition, acne often requires medical treatment. A good skincare routine is important and can help improve the condition of your skin and support the treatment prescribed by a medical professional but I do recommend seeking professional advise, ask at your Dr surgery if any of the practitioners specialise in skin issues.

 I've written a guide on cleansing HERE, if you have the time I'd recommend reading it, it will help you understand the products I've recommended and will help you get the best out of your cleansing routine.

Cleanser - First Cleanse Oil. This is a fantastic cleanser that can be used twice a day, it won't dry out your skin and is perfect for use before the acids.

Toner - Revitalising Ginseng Toner use to help balance your skin's PH after cleansing, begin with once a day and increase to twice a day only if needed.

Moisturiser - Collagen Moisturising Cream. A moisturiser twice a day is essential, without it the skin creates too much oil which then clogs the pores.

Serum - Hyaluronic Acid Serum this gentle serum is a great way to add extra hydration to the skin, it contains liquorice extract to help with discolouration and 5 different forms of hyaluronic acid which help to hydrate different levels of the skin. This serum can be used morning and night under your moisturiser. 

We don't specialise in SPF's or eye creams and so we don't have any in our range, if you have a favourite then continue use. Using an SPF product daily is the best protection against ageing, when you're out in strong sun be sure to wear an SPF of at least 30 and re-apply every 2 hours, it's the UVA in the suns rays which is always present, even in the winter that causes ageing in our skin.

Chemical Exfoliators - I'd recommend both the salicylic acid and lactic acid which you would alternate no more than every other evening, for example, Monday salicylic, Wednesday lactic, Friday salicylic and so on, the acid can be used less than this but not more often, daily use will not give better results. Salicylic can be drying, if you find it leaves the skin dry use as a spot treatment on the areas you have breakouts.

Avoid using any facial scrubs or sonic brushes when using these or it could cause a breakout, these provide enough exfoliation using these. Lactic acid increases moisture in the skin which is why it's great to alternate with the salicylic acid which will help with breakouts.

I know that sounds like a lot, this is a full skincare regime which is needed to get the skin in great condition. You don't have to use all Bravura products to get results, as long as you cleanse, tone and moisturise with suitable products you can simply choose what you need from the list above.

You may notice I haven't listed any of our acid serums, cleanser or moisturisers, this is because when it comes to acids less is more and it's unlikely you'd need more. If you would rather not use a chemical exfoliator but still want to use acids, you could use an acid cleanser or serum/moisturiser instead.

Please also remember that anything that touches your skin needs to be clean, be sure only to use clean face cloths and face towels, change your pillow case once a week and if you use make-up brushes, try cleaning them after each use but at the minimum, they should be cleansed once a week.

Disclaimer – I’m happy to give recommendations for products but can’t offer any guarantees that these will work for your skin. Although we have a lot of positive feedback from customers, everyone is different, obviously I can’t take into account any allergies or sensitivities you may have which is why I recommend you read the ingredients list for all products I recommend. To get great results you MUST cleanse, tone and moisturise daily, no matter what treatment you use, without a good daily skincare routine, you won’t get the best results.



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