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Important Changes to Our Product Prices and Why They’re Happening

There will be some changes to our product prices in the coming months, and I wanted to explain the reasons behind these increases so we don’t just come across as a greedy company looking to make more money. Our mission has always been about providing high-quality skincare at affordable prices, and that hasn’t changed.

Bravura started as a dream to offer salon-quality products at prices everyone could afford. It’s been over 21 years since we launched, and in that time, the skincare world has evolved a lot. There are new ingredients, price fluctuations, and while we used to be one of the few brands offering products with glycolic acid, salicylic acid, and hyaluronic acid, these days most brands have their own range of these formulas. There are brands selling products so cheaply that we just can’t compete, and to be honest, we don’t want to. The whole fast fashion trend seems to have spilled into skincare, with companies churning out new products constantly, making people feel like they need to keep buying more to achieve perfect skin, and that’s just not what we’re about.

TikTok is full of videos of 10-year-olds with shelves full of skincare, most of which they don’t need and won’t get the benefits of when using so many products. We all know someone who says, “My grandmother only used Oil of Ulay (it wasn’t Olay back then) and her skin was gorgeous.” Their routines were simple: a cleanser, a toner, and a moisturiser. They used their products up before buying more, and didn’t overbuy just for the sake of it. And while I’m thrilled about the advances that have given us so many amazing ingredients, I still believe in keeping skincare simple. That’s what helps your skin thrive.

Rather than adding tons of new products, we’ve decided to reformulate our existing ones, upgrading them with some fantastic new ingredients. Of course that does mean a price increase, sometimes quite a significant one, but it’s something we have to do, and honestly, we can’t and don’t want to compete with the budget brands. Bravura was created to offer affordable skincare, and I still believe we do that, but we’re not the cheapest anymore, and that’s okay.

On a personal note, I’m really excited about this shift. It means I don’t have to limit myself to cheaper ingredients to keep costs low. I can use the gorgeous ingredients I really love, including ones that are sustainable and zero-waste, like oils from seeds that would otherwise be discarded. While our current formulas are still amazing, the new ingredients we’ve added make them even better.

So, in short, these price increases are so we can continue offering you even better skincare, not so I can live in luxury. I’ve driven the same car for 12 years! I was brought up to value quality and look after things, and that’s what we’re doing with our products. I hope you’ll understand and continue to support us in this next chapter.

Thank you so much to all of our customers for sticking with us for all these years.
